Next Reset: Winter Dec 21, 2022 for 30 Days

In Chinese Medicine, there are Five Elements that govern all aspects of our lives -- from the food we eat to the way we experience emotions. In this course, you'll reset your health & wellbeing in alignment with the Five Elements.

The Five Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each season, we'll explore each element in depth and address them with principles of  classical Chinese medicine, Biofield Tuning and epigentics. If you're ready to live a healthier, more balanced life, these are the courses you need.  

For 30 days each season, we will will clear vast amounts of emotional, epigenetic and vibrational baggage that holds you back.  Daily 10 minute sessions plus weekly hour long sessions will transform your life.

Water: winter & Fear

The water element governs our will to live, thrive, desire to grow, determination and the energy to fulfill our destiny.  It is connected to our inherited energy levels, our drive to reproduce, endocrine secretions, and yin/yang energy levels,  This is the element that weakens when you are pushed beyond your abilities.  It  governs the kidney and bladder organs & meridians. When it's out of balance you can experience cold, fatigue or exhaustion, an achy body, urination problems and anxiety or overwhelming fear. 




Often the simplest solutions are the best but are the most difficult to implement.  So everyday, we will met and hold ourselves accountable to perform this simple practice.   This daily exercise will shift epic amounts of energy that disrupts your nervous system and body.  Start (or end) your day relaxed with a clear mind as we release the emotions that keep exhaustion and anxiety in place. 



In Chinese medicine, the bladder holds the energy of fear.  In the first week, we will tune the bladder to shift the fear you carry in your field that is related to the bladder.  If you have struggled with anxiety with little success, this is the session for you. 



Intimately connected the bladder in Chinese medicine, the kidneys holds the energy of fear and terror as well. The energy stored in the kidneys stimulate the adrenals into flight or fight responses.  These sessions will help calm the HPA axis so you heal or prevent burnout.



Sitting right on top of the kidneys, the adrenals are responsible for processing and creating the energy to survive threats.  Once engaged, they can be very difficult to turn off so your body hyper reacts to benign situations.  If you have overworked due to caretaking, career, or experienced trauma this session helps.



We can work endlessly to calm our nervous systems but if we have epigenetic locks in place that amplify our stress or fear responses, we will never find complete relief.  Patterns will reemerge because your epigenetic code instructs the body to react.  This session clears those locks so you can finally relax. 

The 5 Elements

Fire: Summer & Joy/Sadness

The fire element controls the brilliance of the heart which creates relationships with all the other organs.  It also controls mind and spirit where thinking, intelligence, emotions, deep understanding and memory are governed.  The heart, small intestine, pericardium and triple warmer meridians are influenced by the fire element. When out of balance, you can see inflammation, infections, anxiety, coldness, sluggish digestion, slow metabolism & sleep problems. 

Earth: Indian Summer & Worry

The earth element helps us to learn from our experiences, store information and manifest our destiny.  It helps us to stand behind our words with committed action. The spleen and stomach meridians are influenced by the earth element.  When out of balance you can experience slow mental functioning, dampness, Qi stagnation in the belly, bloating and fatigue after eating. 

Metal: Fall & Grief

The metal element helps us handle confrontation and provides our flight or fight response.  It governs our immunity and gives order to the basic functions of respiration, heart rate, blood pressure and digestion.  It is connected to the lung and large intestine meridians. When out of balance you can experience rigidity and perfectionist tendencies, melancholy, depression and a weak voice. 

Water: winter & Fear

The water element governs our will to live, thrive, desire to grow, determination and the energy to fulfill our destiny.  It is connected to our inherited energy levels, drive to reproduce, endocrine secretions, yin/yang energy levels,  This is the element that weakens when you are pushed beyond your abilities and governs the kidney and bladder meridians. When out of balance you can experience cold, fatigue, an achy body, urination problems and overwhelming fear. 

Wood: Spring & Anger

The wood element helps us make clear decisions, prioritize, plan and move forward towards our vision of the future and life's purpose.  It governs the liver and gallbladder meridians.  When out of balance you can experience anger, frustration, irritation, inflexibility, aggression, indecisiveness, feeling stuck in life, poor judgement, restlessness and over reliance on simulants for energy. 
